Thursday, January 7, 2010

A night with the moon

Yesterday, for some reason I decided to leave the horizon and walk around the universe. A beautiful creation, how beautiful, made by the God my master. My sight did not allow me to be away from the glory of the life that human has earned on the Earth yet there was something special in the day as the dew was so silent and the fragrance was not carried by the wind. The light was not so enchancted and flowers were not smiling. The shades of the happiness were no more visible.

I kept on walking in the sky and tried to find out the reason yet could not discover. I went to the horizon again and looked from there. Ohh my God ......... No ....... There was something tht was certainely missing.

I started running as fast as I can, I kept on running till I reach there. I never saw such a glare and beauty earlier in my life. I never felt so great yet sad earlier. I was with the most beautiful creation of the God, It was Moon.

It was a sight that I hd never imagined in my dreams as well as with open eyes. How can somebody so calm and incandecsent can cry like this.

I m using pronoun "She" for the moon as I have felt the moon is the true representative of the nature of woman on this earth.

Whenever a tear came out of her eye, it became a pearl. Billions hands raised to catch that pearl yet there was nobody who wanted to hug her as everybody was searching to fulfill his interest while raising his hands.

What was the reason of the moon crying so much ? Why she got so emotional that she was not able to control her tears ?

I sat with her and looked into her eyes. She was innocent and pure as the heart of the child. She had desires for her and for the world also yet she was confused and angry wid her as I understand.

What I can do for her ? ........... How can I bring her out of all these .......... ?Can I do something today so that I can feel to be a human .......... ?

Oh my master give me the healing power so that I can hug her.
Give me the depth of sight so that I can understand her.
Give me the wisdom so that I can solve her problems.

And yes the miracle happened. I started getting into her heart. I was seeing the guilt and flaws that she had collected in the time. Only a good can have guilt and when I knew this, I decided to free her from all this and the moon didnt know this.

Moon was also looking into my eyes ......... She had some hope as I felt that time. She had some desires also.

She asked, " Who are you ? " "I am the sun, the reason of your existance", I replied. She was amazed to listen that. "You are the reason of my existance and I dont know this." "Are you my father ? ", she asked. I didnot reply and just smiled. she asked again with a courtesy in her voice, "Are you my father, tell me now". "Yes my child", as I replied.

"Where were you so far ? How can I be your daughter ? Why did you never take care of me ? Do you know that how much I have cried ? Why did you not come and hug me ? " .......... The moon became angry and so much emotional. Her face was covered with her love, excitement and anger. She was crying and laughing together. It was a rare combination that comes on the face of a woman. Yet when it comes, I can say that nobody can be more beautiful than her that time.

"Oh my daughter", as I told " I was there with you. I was always there with you. You could not understand that. See yourself. The light that you have got, it is my light. Your glory is because of me. When I am spreading my lighyt in the day, you absorbe that and in the night, you spread that to all my loving. It is because of me that you came into the world and your identity is also because of me only ".

I smiled and told all this to her. She asked me again, "If it is so, why I am not like you. You are complete and powerful yet I am imperfect and not that. You always rise on time and go back on time yet there is no time for me. You are always flawless and perfect yet I am sometimes full of flaws and sometimes I am not there in the sky at all. Why cant I be as perfect as you are. Why cant I be as happy as you are ? "

She gave me a deep thought and I closed my eyes. I wanted to talk to my master again. My master, who is that, he is the creator of this universe and he is the reason of life of all of us. He came there. He gave me the answer of my questions which came into my heart and gave me the strength to give that knowledge to the moon.

I preeched, " Moon, never forget that you are my loving child and thats why I here with you. All of us are the children of the same master. You are unhappy because you have chosen this way of unhappiness. You are feeling so many flaws and guilts in you as you do not want to be free of them. You feeling imperfection as a sin as you never understand the beauty and reason of that imperfection. "

Moon was looking at me, she asked, "This is my question that how can somebody be happy with all these guilts and feelings of imperfect ? "

I told, " When you were born, your future was written by the master. He chose you because he wanted you to feel all these intricacies of life. He wanted you to be that special who can develop that much of strength and guide another to live thier lives. You took them as bad coming to you yet they were always there because you had to be developed like an apostle. He gave you unhappiness so that you can feel the importance of being happy and spread that happiness to others. You carried guilt and flaws from there yet the master wanted you to carry the learnings from there. He wanted you to be imperfect because to whom you will spread happiness, they are also imperfect. He is the only perfect and when you will be like him, you will become part of him. "

"Open the doors of you heart and remove all that guilt and flaws from there. Create some space so that I can fill it with light and happiness. Give me the place in your life and you will understand the beauty of being you."

" Your beauty is not is saying no to your past. You should accept that past with great love and gratitude as because of that only you are this today. If you cant accept your past, you can never accept your present also and you will never be happy. If you want to change the world around you, change yourself."

The moon was looking me and was saying nothing. She was smiling as she understand that what I told her. She was still crying yet these tears were different this time.

"Father, now go", she told " as the world is waiting you to rise. I will carry your words as well as their meaning from here. What if I want to meet you again ?" I told, " I am wid you my child, remember me and I will come to you ". I gave her a hug and my blessings. I took her loving face in my heart and said bye with the faith of always to be with her.

When I was coming back, I listen some beautiful sounds. They were little birds who had started flying for their journey. I saw beautiful flowers smiling and enchanted air touching me. No. Whats this .......... someboday came and slapped me on my face, " Do you know what is the time and you are still sleeping, wake up as we have to go for the aerobics. "

I got ready and came out, it was the morning when the sun rises and the moon disappears. I saw them in the sky as they were smiling.


  1. I have written this blog from experiences that I have in my life. I have found many people so far who are always carrying burden of their past and spoiling their future for that, the only reason is that they are not living their present properly. I have also been like the moon earlier. A few days earlier I read a blog on this site only, where a girl admitted of trying to suicide. how can something in your life happen that can simply drive you to finish your life. I hope that all those who will read blog will spread this story as I wrote this for all those who are beautiful with their hearts and not stong.

  2. Hi.. Its Rashi.for whom u've written so much meaningful and beautiful words.just wanna tell u that i'm strong enough.daily i get almost 50-60 mails of unknowns stating their problems and they ask solutions from my side!This is happening from last 3 yrs.But last year i.e.2009,something unexpected happenend with me.I was sad but id didnt stop replying to other's problems.This year 1st time in my life I experienced failure.Well,rest story is there in blog.But i really feel happy and positive after reading ur small story.Thanks a being a stranger u gave ur precious time to think and to write for me..

  3. This was very beautiful ravi. Never knew you had such a good philosopher hidden in you. Really nice way of preaching such a good moral lsson :)
    Do write some more. Will wait to read :)

  4. Juz a pass by.
    I read this post by chance n found as a vry gud one Ravi..


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